Monday, September 7, 2009

Full September Moon

It's good to remember
The Full Moon in September

How did we get here?
Where are we going?
Who will we meet on our pathway?

I feel secluded
I wish to flee
And stay
I am safe, yet restless.

I am free, yet bound.
I feel trapped in a forest
And yet can step out whenever I please
But I always come back...
There is something yet to learn....
The Time is not right yet.

Love surrounds me like a cape.
Yet chokes.
But wait - True Love does not choke. True Love lets go.
Love and Let go. Love and Let go - the hardest lesson on the planet (at least I think so).
Who is holding on to Who?

Somebody said this is the last Full Moon of summer. I hadn't thought of that.
But summer is coming to a close.
Soon it will be Fall, as the Wheel Turns once again.

Nights are chillier; early morning cool as I step onto my deck, looking for Father Sun to say good morning. I shiver, put on a sweater, sip my morning coffee. Early morning is my favourite time of the day and I like it to be warm. But at least, I can still go out. It's not too cold yet to walk among my flowers, listen to birds calling back and forth, watch chipmunks scurrying to and fro in search of food.

In another month it will be too cold. But for now I will enjoy the chilly early morning air, the clear sun peeking at me through the leaves of my oak trees, as I quickly stretch and honour the Four Directions.

Gentle is how I see this September Moon. I am feeling gentleness.
And learning to be gentle with myself.


Miss Sandra said...

Mornings are indeed beautiful...and crisp Autumn mornings seem to hold an enchantment all their own. Enjoy them before it becomes too cold.

Sending warm hugs!xo

Grammy said...

That was just beautiful. I felt myself in the words you started with. You are so good at writing. And I so enjoy reading what you write. I am not ready for winter yet. Time is slipping by.

Deborah said...

This is ever so lovely. You write beautifully, flowing. I understand all these feelings very well. I miss you when you don't write on this blog. **happy smiles** Deborah

Renee said...

Simply beautiful.

Love Renee xoxo

Renee said...

Are you all alright dear one.


Liara Covert said...

To sense gentleness in nature is to reconnect with the gentleness within your own soul.

Anonymous said...

We are going around and around and around and who we will meet will be a representation of the same characters we met before until we learn to love and embrace them for who they are. They are like ghosts who want to be listened to. When fully embraced, another succession of spirits will step forward in search of love and reunification.

I truly enjoyed your poem.

May your seasons be fully embraced.

Miss Robyn said...

Desiderata: above a wholesome discipline - be gentle with yourself xoxo

Nina said...

The paradoxes of life. To be "free yet bound." "Love surrounds me like a cape.
Yet chokes. But wait - True Love does not choke. True Love lets go.
Love and Let go. Love and Let go - the hardest lesson on the planet (at least I think so).
Who is holding on to Who?" emotional words, emotional spirit, stirring the soul.
Sometimes a full moon brings reflection of the soul. The paradox of illumination from a body of reflection. Be gentle with yourself. Take time for yourself. We are in a flux of change from the freedom of summer to the nesting of autumn. Walk in the freedom of the Light and listen to the wisdom of the ages and find Peace. Love and Light, Nina P.